One big all niche site or many particular niche sites?
If you are one of those people who are thinking about building one big site with all niches or many sites with particular niches in each, we have a good answer for you. Keep reading below so that you could make your decision in the right way.
This whole article isn’t about what site you should build. This article is about what to choose between these two options. Since you’re already thinking about this, you should get some good insights about all this first. Later you can decide what to choose.
One big site with all niches (general site) mostly is the best idea if you’re planning to monetize such site with ads in general. It also is way easier to make such site popular, because you can focus only on it. It is way easier to build backlinks for a site like this. However, if you’re planning to monetize your site with some particular niche ads or promotions in particular niche, advertisers mostly could ignore your site because of too many niches on it. In this case, many sites in particular niches is a completely better idea.
Many sites in particular niches (each) will take way more time and more investment (money) than one big site. However, there will be more possibilities how to make money from these sites compared to the possibilities of one big site. So eventually, you should make way more money. But again, it will take way more time to achieve this and way more investment (for domains, etc).
Before you decide what to do, you should first think about the future (not a short future but a long future). After you’ve read this article, now, you should get the whole idea for your decision. However, there’s always a possibility that your plan could fail. So instead of thinking about this idea, maybe you should forget it?