How to build a popular website
When you start a new website, you obviously want it to become popular (getting good amount of traffic, etc.). You may also have a website already and thinking how to actually make it a popular website.
It could take a lot of years for achieving this status. It could take a lot of luck too. But this is not about luck or time, this is about can you do it or not. Some can build a popular website in a short period of time, others just can’t do it at all.
So how to build a popular website?
Let’s take for example Pinterest. Why do you think they’ve succeeded so quickly? They’ve managed to make it popular so quickly that everyone could take an example of them. All this quick success came because they were doing the right things for success. It is also was because it was something new and unique.
So to answer that question above, in order to build a popular website, you have to make something new and unique. Your new idea must be not just unique, but it also must be something that could attract a lot of eyes to it. It just must be something new and at the same time interesting as well. I am sure that there are plenty of new, unique ideas out there that are not used yet. You just must find these new ideas.
It is not a must to find a new, unique idea. There are plenty of rare ideas (not unique) that could work for you. So just use your imagination and maybe you’ll find something that is worth the status of a popular website.
It is not about how you can promote your website. If you can make a good website, even a small promotion can start a chain reaction and this could lead to your success.